Friday, 4:30 PM
hey girl! haven't heard from you in a while, what's goin on?
sorry i've been MIA. it's been an intense couple of weeks
i had a feeling. i'm still not used to us going to different schools. i used to know every detail of your life 😆
ikr. we were attached at the hip
so what’s going on with your friend priya?? i've been really worried abt her
i know its weird because i don't actually know her, but i feel like i do
i actually can't wait for you to meet her one day, but yeah. the whole thing she went through was just like… completely insane
did her surgery go ok? obvi don't share anything if she wouldn't want you to, but i’m really curious what happened
surgery did go okay, but after so much bullshit. pri's okay and at home recovering