Wednesday, 9:20 PM
hey babe, are you feeling any better?
do you need anything? a hug?
you’re sweet babe
i feel okay right now. i usually feel better by the end of the day but i’m really over the bloating, the pukeyness, the random crying. it feels like it never ends and it’s really frustrating
don't forget the headaches. you had 3 of those last week
riiiight, and the headaches!
and when you went back to the health center that nurse told you this is all normal when you’re new to the pill and to just stick it out?
yeah… they said it could last up to 3 months. but i’ve had enough. i think i’m ready to move on to something that will work better for me cause this just suuuuuuuucks
i feel really bad that this has been so rough for you...i wish there was something I could do
you’re already doing it babe. and i would have had to figure this birth control stuff out eventually anyway, so it is what it is i guess